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What to Do When You Lose Your Transponder Key

Most of us can agree that losing a set of keys is one of the most frustrating things that can happen. In our day-to-day lives, we may find ourselves so busy and rushed at certain times that we fail to pay attention completely. Lost keys usually become lost in the first place because we are frazzled or unfocused. 

If you recently lost a set of keys, then it is likely you may have lost your vehicle key as well. Even more likely is the fact that the car key you own is probably a transponder key. In fact, if you own a vehicle that was made after the mid-1990s, then the vehicle key you use to operate your car is actually a special type of key known as a transponder key.

The History of Transponder Keys

What exactly is a transponder key? Good question! Although most of us have transponder or ‘chip’ keys and use them every single day, we usually do not realize we have one until the time comes to replace or repair it. 

Transponder keys were invented to solve two problems – accidental thefts and intentional thefts. Prior to the invention of transponder keys, some vehicle keys could be used to open other vehicles of the same make and model type. For example, there were stories reported of individuals leaving shopping malls or grocery stores and approaching a vehicle that looked identical to their own. Somehow, even though the vehicle belonged to someone else, the innocent individual would not notice because their key managed to not only unlock the door, but allow them to drive the car also. Some individuals reported driving several miles away from the initial location before realizing they had actually taken a vehicle that was not theirs.

Intentional thefts are also eliminated with the help of transponder keys. Without a transponder system, cars can be hot-wired in order to start running without a key. A skilled criminal can easily hot-wire a car and drive off with it with no problems. Now, with the help of transponder key systems, this type of theft is nearly impossible.

How Transponder Keys Function

The transponder key system works through the use of two separate electronic chips. One chip sits inside of the head of the key, while the other sits tucked away inside of your vehicle. Each of these two chips is programmed to be paired or matched with the other. In every vehicle that has a transponder system, this signal and pairing are completely unique. No two vehicles or keys will have the same signal or be able to communicate with one another in the same way.

In order for your vehicle to operate, you must not only have the proper transponder key with you, but the signal between the key and the car must be clear and continuous. If no signal can be established, then it will be impossible to start your vehicle.

Because of the unique signal that is given off by each transponder chip and pairing, it is impossible to drive off in someone else’s car even if it is of the same type. Vehicle manufacturers are required to make sure that every transponder signal that is paired to each vehicle is different from the others, even if they all come from the same factory.

Replacing a Lost Transponder Key

Losing your transponder key will require a professional replacement from a competent and experienced mobile locksmith. A mobile locksmith is recommended for any kind of transponder key replacements for a couple of reasons. 

Locksmiths are trained lock and key specialists that are able to replace or repair the locks and keys on all kinds of vehicles. Mobile locksmiths, in particular, are professional locksmiths that have the ability to travel from location to location and assist with on-site locksmithing repairs and installations. When it comes to transponder key replacements, you will likely need on-site assistance since you will be stranded without a working key. 

Why a Professional is Needed

In order for your transponder key to be replaced, a mobile locksmith will be your best option.

Transponder keys require specialized programming and skills that make it so the key connects properly the signal inside of the vehicle. A mobile locksmith will have all the tools on-hand that are necessary to program your replacement key without doing any damage to your vehicle or its various parts.
A mobile locksmith is also a great idea because it eliminates the need to hire an expensive tow truck to come pick-up your vehicle and take it elsewhere. Going this route can be a huge hassle and a big waste of money, especially when a mobile locksmith can perform your key replacement quickly and efficiently without having to transport your vehicle anywhere else.

Before you call a tow truck to take you to a repair shop or dealership for a replacement transponder key, be sure to work with a mobile locksmith first. Call around in your area and discuss your needs with any local locksmiths close by. Ask about their mobile locksmithing policies, as well as their transponder key replacement procedures, and you should have no problem receiving the replacement key you need fast!
